
Αιθέρια έλαια και η αλληλεπίδρασή τους με τα κατοικίδια - Ethra Essentials | Αιθέρια Έλαια & Αρωματοθεραπεία

Essential oils and their interaction with pets

The potential of essential oils to benefit the well-being of pets. Caution, dilution, safe oils and gradual introduction to create a harmonious environment.

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10 Τεχνικές Χαλάρωσης από Όλο τον Κόσμο με Αρωματοθεραπεία - Ethra Essentials | Αιθέρια Έλαια & Αρωματοθεραπεία

10 Relaxation Techniques from Around the World with Aromatherapy

Discover relaxation techniques from all around the world at home with aromatherapy. Explore 10 cultural practices, from Italian dolce far niente to Danish hygge, enhanced by soothing aromas. Embrace well-being, awareness and cross-cultural wellness.

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Συνέργεια Αιθέριων Ελαίων | Δημιουργία Μίξεων με Βάση τον Τύπο Αρώματος - Ethra Essentials | Αιθέρια Έλαια & Αρωματοθεραπεία

Synergy of Essential Oils | Creating Blends Based on Aroma Type

Explore the art of blending essential oils through fragrance synergy. Create harmonious blends by understanding the types of aromas.

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Σανδαλόξυλο | Το Χρονικό της Ομορφιάς και Ιστορίας | + Συνταγές - Ethra Essentials | Αιθέρια Έλαια & Αρωματοθεραπεία

Sandalwood | The Chronicle of Beauty and History | + Recipes

Explore the rich history of sandalwood from India and explore blends with this beloved essential oil.

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